Thursday, April 7, 2011

Red Robin - Chicken Teriyaki Sandwich

Failed to mention in my last Red Robin review that it's pretty standard to burn your tongue on a fry or two here. There should be a disclaimer on their menu OUR FRIES WILL STRAIGHT BURN YOUR FATASS MOUTH. 

Moving on to the sandwich, I got no mayo (Why do chicken teriyaki sandwiches come with mayo?  Can someone tell me?  How does that make any fucking sense?!?!) and I think no onion.  The sandwich had shredded lettuce, tomatoes, pineapple, and the teriyaki glaze.  Just like with their Whisky River BBQ Burger, there was not sufficient sauce on the sandwich and I was too lazy to ask for some more.  What was there was great, I liked it a lot.  The chicken was also tasty - the glaze did make the sandwich sloppy to eat, The tomatoes and pineapple have a similar texture and just cancel each other out.  They don't make sense together.  Lettuce was also pretty lost in the mix.  I need to learn that chicken teryiaki is best made with rice and veggies, and not on a boring hamburger bun. 

Fat rating: 3/10

Salt rating: 8/10

Taste rating: 6.5/10

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