Saturday, March 16, 2013

Togo's - Pastrami Sandwich

Tacographics hadn't been to Togo's before, but was hungry in a shopping area and wanted a sandwich.

Luckily Togo's has daily specials, so it made it easier to decide on the Pastrami (it was on a Monday).

I got the 6 inch with lettuce, mustard, and tomato on wheat.

I'll have to say, it was a good sandwich.  It was thinly shredded pastrami with a good blend of toppings.  You know when you eat pastrami you're bound to have bites of fatty meat that are awful, with this sandwich I only had two.
Overall, it kicked Subway's Pastrami sub's ass, and was cheaper (at $4).

 Fat rating: 5/10

Salt rating: 8/10

Taste rating: 7/10